The data are updated about every 10 minutes when everything runs smoothly.
Click on a name to hide/unhide the corresponding chart.
Double-click or Ctrl+click on a name to hide/unhide all other charts.
Hover over a name for one second to display the player's data and statistics.
The player's data and statistics currently only pertain to the selected season.
Scroll over the graph area to zoom in or out.
Scroll over the axes or tick labels to zoom in or out along the corresponding axis only.
You can drag the graph when it is zoomed in to move the visible part; this is the “pan” mode.
Use the “rect” button or the Ctrl key to switch to rectangle zoom mode. It will automatically switch back to “pan” mode once used.
Use the “reset” button to quickly reset the graph to its original state.
VZGE for the players' head rendering service.
el3ph4nt for the icons of the overworld types.
GitHub for the actions, the pages and the code hosting.