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Les participants mensuel 2023 du topic foot (top 100)

(données collectées le jeudi 4 janvier 2024 à 03:50:56)

rang janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre
1 Kiks mcrak coria974 coria974 maugani PetitJean PetitJean GenyaB Kiks Kiks maugani Kiks
2 maugani Kiks mcrak mcrak coria974 mcrak GenyaB maugani PetitJean piccolo Kiks maugani
3 PetitJean vicenzo maugani vicenzo PetitJean coria974 piccolo Kiks maugani coria974 PetitJean lef
4 Adishatz Taliesim Kiks maugani Kiks lef maugani lef piccolo maugani _Pouvoir vicenzo
5 mcrak Painkiller25 Painkiller25 Kiks vicenzo buscape30 mcrak PetitJean AuldPuck yardbirds Mac_Lane JMAulas
6 GenyaB maugani Toxin PetitJean Gallagh Kiks Painkiller25 vicenzo yardbirds the anakin vicenzo piccolo
7 TrakT AllenMadison vicenzo Adishatz mcrak Adishatz freddy021 Zangalou cheesecake VAN WINKLE Johnny_Marrocain Mac_Lane
8 vicenzo Toxin the anakin Lesluckys buscape30 freddy021 Zangalou mcrak Adishatz _Pouvoir ketwi freddy021
9 freddy021 coria974 Adishatz ketwi Adishatz maugani Johnny_Marrocain Painkiller25 mcrak PetitJean vassilii _Pouvoir
10 Twano lef PetitJean lef Lesluckys yardbirds lef yardbirds coria974 Sticki -rOmanO- mxpx
11 Painkiller25 freddy021 AllenMadison GenyaB ketwi ketwi waddle Johnny_Marrocain MeWa_13 mcrak the anakin yardbirds
12 icumblood Adishatz piccolo the anakin Soupaire vicenzo Gallagh freddy021 Toxin Adishatz Lesluckys chris_lo
13 panshi PetitJean Lesluckys VAN WINKLE lef cheesecake vicenzo Toxin vicenzo vicenzo lef Johnny_Marrocain
14 chris_lo piccolo lef chris_lo MeWa_13 Johnny_Marrocain Kiks piccolo Zangalou Lesluckys piccolo Brazeinstein
15 MeWa_13 GenyaB icumblood buscape30 Kirk_Lee_Hammett piccolo Mac_Lane Gallagh freddy021 lef Soupaire vassilii
16 coria974 VAN WINKLE Twano AllenMadison yardbirds MeWa_13 yardbirds JMAulas Livingdead75 Toxin Livingdead75 MeWa_13
17 piccolo AshRiot freddy021 Painkiller25 VAN WINKLE AuldPuck cashless VAN WINKLE Johnny_Marrocain MeWa_13 Gallagh AuldPuck
18 Lesluckys _Pouvoir Zangalou Johnny_Marrocain freddy021 Zangalou JMAulas MeWa_13 Juliano66 JMAulas Painkiller25 Lesluckys
19 buscape30 MeWa_13 Mac_Lane freddy021 AuldPuck vassilii coria974 Adishatz fracture du tibia icumblood chris_lo icumblood
20 AuldPuck the anakin GenyaB Kirk_Lee_Hammett piccolo AllenMadison fracture du tibia pipodeluxe lef cheesecake yardbirds Zangalou
21 srfcboy pipodeluxe pipodeluxe Irradiami d'Amore Toxin Mac_Lane cheesecake panshi Painkiller25 Johnny_Marrocain Adishatz girondeconnexion
22 Floleb7 Lesluckys VAN WINKLE MeWa_13 GenyaB Soupaire MeWa_13 Twano bulldozer_fusion Mac_Lane freddy021 Painkiller25
23 yardbirds ketwi _Pouvoir Toxin Johnny_Marrocain TrakT AuldPuck airy VAN WINKLE Zangalou VAN WINKLE bulldozer_fusion
24 Gallagh Zangalou Taliesim _Pouvoir Brazeinstein VAN WINKLE ketwi lapinbilly TrakT AllenMadison Kirk_Lee_Hammett panshi
25 Pierre-Pat Johnny_Marrocain Irradiami d'Amore piccolo TrakT Painkiller25 Adishatz Monsieur Locke -rOmanO- Gallagh Brazeinstein PetitJean
26 sat 08 Pierre-Pat buscape30 Twano Twano fracture du tibia srfcboy Ekid ketwi vassilii Pierre-Pat VAN WINKLE
27 lef Twano chris_lo multimmy Painkiller25 panshi TrakT Mac_Lane Philip Morris Painkiller25 hawkersoul mcrak
28 usma16 panshi fracture du tibia TrakT Irradiami d'Amore Gallagh girondeconnexion Kirk_Lee_Hammett hawkersoul pipodeluxe Philip Morris cheesecake
29 VAN WINKLE TrakT Johnny_Marrocain yardbirds cheesecake hawkersoul icumblood icumblood airy fracture du tibia MeWa_13 Proust4
30 pipodeluxe icumblood MeWa_13 Pierre-Pat Ekid Kirk_Lee_Hammett Brazeinstein Philip Morris icumblood Livingdead75 mxpx bahamut49
31 Zangalou Juliano66 ogsvart_ bahamut49 Zangalou waddle hawkersoul jamere20 vassilii ketwi pipodeluxe Gallagh
32 etocelo airy Brazeinstein vassilii hawkersoul airy panshi AuldPuck pipodeluxe hawkersoul panshi the anakin
33 ketwi chris_lo waddle panshi airy 1000Trees pipodeluxe fracture du tibia Taliesim Kirk_Lee_Hammett spirou59 srfcboy
34 the anakin Floleb7 TrakT Livingdead75 vassilii gars_lent mxpx gars_lent the anakin Derek De Lint Proust4 hawkersoul
35 airy etocelo ketwi pipodeluxe mxpx the anakin sirius gott chris_lo SOF40 TrakT fracture du tibia Indeed
36 Arkin AuldPuck airy airy _Pouvoir Ekid Soupaire vassilii Soupaire airy icumblood Toxin
37 Mac_Lane Brazeinstein Kirk_Lee_Hammett AshRiot waddle Toxin Twano waddle Gallagh Soupaire bahamut49 pipodeluxe
38 Kirk_Lee_Hammett Ekid yourtlh Juliano66 chris_lo GenyaB verdoux Cliff Barnes GenyaB Monsieur Locke AuldPuck Ekid
39 Johnny_Marrocain Mac_Lane mouzone Ekid fracture du tibia Livingdead75 Memnoch1 cashless Lesluckys mxpx bulldozer_fusion Livingdead75
40 autocall fracture du tibia AuldPuck fabiensensei panshi Leamas Monsieur Locke mxpx bahamut49 etocelo Emzy AllenMadison
41 AllenMadison Kirk_Lee_Hammett vassilii fracture du tibia Le Cobriste 128 mxpx airy azymantiop panshi freddy021 srfcboy spirou59
42 Ekid Hornett Pierre-Pat Mac_Lane It_Connexion Brazeinstein joams Juliano66 Ekid AuldPuck mcrak Juliano66
43 mouzone Soupaire Ekid AuldPuck Pierre-Pat jamere20 Lesluckys Lesluckys Proust4 Juliano66 Sticki TrakT
44 AshRiot ogsvart_ multimmy hawkersoul pipodeluxe chris_lo VAN WINKLE flounche AllenMadison bulldozer_fusion Twano 4lkaline
45 Toxin Indeed Pere Dodu azymantiop 1000Trees pipodeluxe Ekid girondeconnexion mxpx girondeconnexion cheesecake -SkoM-
46 vassilii Gallagh Arkin usma16 Philip Morris icumblood fabiensensei spirou59 -SkoM- Cliff Barnes airy Monsieur Locke
47 Indeed sat 08 Gallagh icumblood gniais srfcboy Kirk_Lee_Hammett TrakT Dylmatic Proust4 Ekid Emzy
48 joams Baihel joams yourtlh Monsieur Locke Twano meta67 AshRiot azymantiop Baihel fabiensensei fracture du tibia
49 bulldozer_fusion Pere Dodu -rOmanO- Brazeinstein AllenMadison mouzone Juliano66 Brazeinstein chris_lo chris_lo billgatesanonym coria974
50 fracture du tibia joams yardbirds Leamas the anakin meta67 super_pourri srfcboy Mac_Lane srfcboy wEEwEEx Adishatz
51 mxpx mxpx panshi Floleb7 AshRiot cashless protect_me Floleb7 lapinbilly Brazeinstein girondeconnexion fabiensensei
52 -SkoM- Memnoch1 Floleb7 gars_lent Juliano66 Monsieur Locke KingJames6323 ben80 fabiensensei Twano JMAulas joams
53 Taliesim Belloc Livingdead75 waddle bahamut49 super_pourri Taliesim protect_me 4lkaline -SkoM- Baihel Kirk_Lee_Hammett
54 Pere Dodu yardbirds bahamut49 Gallagh gars_lent etocelo yourtlh Emzy Floleb7 Leamas Indeed Philip Morris
55 Proust4 -Jany- Leamas srfcboy fabiensensei Julian33 Philip Morris KingJames6323 Kirk_Lee_Hammett Taliesim Toxin Pierre-Pat
56 fabiensensei Arkin gars_lent -Jany- bulldozer_fusion -SkoM- AllenMadison Belloc meta67 Floleb7 Zangalou Francis_Llacer
57 spirou59 Livingdead75 flounche Derek De Lint usma16 joams Hornett Taliesim JMAulas bahamut49 meta67 Soupaire
58 Brazeinstein vassilii Hornett Arkin igo2001 Arkin Proust4 fabien1176 Emzy spirou59 Monsieur Locke ketwi
59 ver de vase jamere -SkoM- Hornett Memnoch1 Irradiami d'Amore SOF40 hawkersoul Derek De Lint panshi yourtlh fabien1176
60 Dylmatic 1000Trees AshRiot bulldozer_fusion Livingdead75 gniais Toxin the anakin gars_lent AshRiot AllenMadison jeanguylecointre
61 -Jany- Leamas Soupaire Le Cobriste 128 srfcboy sat 08 elbalafray SOF40 Monsieur Locke Ekid ogsvart_ Arkin
62 protect_me Xamoth fabiensensei mxpx Cisko Memnoch1 the anakin _UnDeAd_ Belloc lapinbilly super_pourri meta67
63 Livingdead75 azymantiop hawkersoul Pere Dodu Emzy Hector Stringer Zeross ketwi girondeconnexion billgatesanonym Cliff Barnes Twano
64 gars_lent spirou59 sat 08 Philip Morris Arkin Cliff Barnes autocall gniais Baihel Indeed Floleb7 jamere20
65 SOF40 srfcboy Proust4 Indeed meta67 Proust4 ben80 Baihel flounche kmara2 lapinbilly airy
66 yoak waddle Indeed Proust4 super_pourri ver de vase -SkoM- bulldozer_fusion Leamas Belloc Arkin Baihel
67 lodbrok yoak bulldozer_fusion flounche -Jany- Philip Morris mouzone cheesecake boubougna azymantiop Derek De Lint data
68 Juliano66 Dylmatic -Jany- Soupaire data yourtlh rockbottom Proust4 Newbpower Pierre-Pat kappa super_pourri
69 Philip Morris Philip Morris cheesecake lodbrok Mac_Lane SOF40 jamere20 meta67 ben80 Emzy -SkoM- Dylmatic
70 Hazumaki protect_me azymantiop Monsieur Locke Daedelus butthead05 Dylmatic Dylmatic AshRiot herfar joams gars_lent
71 KingJames6323 -SkoM- Derek De Lint jossyd Indeed jeprendsmonpied etocelo Soupaire ver de vase meta67 Daedelus Goku82
72 azymantiop sirius gott igo2001 cheesecake Leamas ben80 data ver de vase Arkin Philip Morris jamere20 joost6
73 Requiem buscape30 Juliano66 franswa202 Julian33 Lesluckys ver de vase bahamut49 _Pouvoir wEEwEEx Leamas -rOmanO-
74 Sankaz Leskipper lapinbilly fabien44 Pere Dodu LiamManziel chris_lo Livingdead75 super_pourri 4lkaline footix_ jossyd
75 waddle bulldozer_fusion Jacquot martin matnissa spirou59 santiago10 compote pomme poire Skaine fabien1176 kanak multimmy elbalafray
76 kappa Irradiami d'Amore chaleureux philibear icumblood Floleb7 Pere Dodu AllenMadison -Jany- footix_ 4lkaline etocelo
77 lapinbilly mouzone Monsieur Locke 1000Trees multimmy It_Connexion Cliff Barnes coria974 lodbrok SOF40 buggy2680 kmara2
78 sirius gott gars_lent RadjoN igo2001 philibear Emzy igo2001 -Jany- Indeed -Jany- herfar Sankaz
79 cheesecake yourtlh Xamoth joams SOF40 footix_ buscape30 Goku82 cashless cashless TrakT aintnoclue
80 compote pomme poire cashless Memnoch1 spirou59 aintnoclue Jacquot martin butthead05 joams waddle fabiensensei AshRiot Belloc
81 Jean malouk Proust4 Philip Morris lapinbilly Diet Diet Emzy Bretzel Authentique spirou59 ogsvart_ Belloc lodbrok
82 igo2001 Sankaz meta67 Sankaz Grumms la campanella fabien1176 buscape30 Twano 1000Trees gravity eyelids Pere Dodu
83 ogsvart_ hawkersoul etocelo gniais ben80 _Pouvoir footix_ matnissa Francis_Llacer gars_lent Juliano66 yourtlh
84 sytchev013 SOF40 Julian33 Memnoch1 Leskipper joost6 lapinbilly data kappa Le Cobriste 128 1000Trees cashless
85 yourtlh flounche matnissa super_pourri Taliesim Pere Dodu Sankaz Francis_Llacer Goku82 buggy2680 ben80 Daedelus
86 meta67 It_Connexion LiamManziel Cisko yoak Cisko sat 08 Hector Stringer Brazeinstein dje33 fabien44 Floleb7
87 Pentier ver de vase data Emzy Baihel -rOmanO- Cisko fabiensensei etocelo kappa tim-timmy wEEwEEx
88 1000Trees bahamut49 Belloc yoak Floleb7 cedgone gars_lent etocelo ogsvart_ Arkin It_Connexion boubougna
89 data fabiensensei Le Cobriste 128 data Proust4 data Grumms Grumms jamere20 multimmy $k-flown buggy2680
90 chaleureux fabien44 Sticki jamere20 manuches lodbrok Jean malouk Daedelus kmara2 jossyd Francis_Llacer Cliff Barnes
91 Derek De Lint meta67 mxpx Julian33 sirius gott Sankaz Livingdead75 elbalafray mouzone lodbrok kanak Sticki
92 multimmy lodbrok srfcboy meta67 etocelo tim-timmy AshRiot igo2001 Grumms matnissa aintnoclue azymantiop
93 rockbottom Skaine jossyd la campanella -SkoM- yoak lodbrok 1000Trees joams jeanguylecointre boubougna gravity eyelids
94 la campanella Derek De Lint yoak SOF40 cashless Grumms Mister Yoda boubougna jossyd boubougna data napoleon48
95 gravity eyelids gniais gniais Taliesim cedgone igo2001 -Jany- lodbrok matnissa ben80 -Jany- ver de vase
96 chris_hunter LePcFou Jean malouk wEEwEEx joams -Jany- jeprendsmonpied sirius gott wEEwEEx chaleureux lodbrok 1000Trees
97 hawkersoul matnissa manuches ben80 sat 08 Jean malouk Leamas Memnoch1 aintnoclue compote pomme poire rockbottom fabien44
98 Hector Stringer Ernestor protect_me girondeconnexion Belloc manuches uxam verdoux sirius gott joams olive127 ogsvart_
99 dje33 girondeconnexion Emzy It_Connexion fabien44 philibear flounche yoak dje33 -rOmanO- protect_me herfar
100 Memnoch1 RadjoN ver de vase Xamoth joost6 verdoux bzhyoyo Leskipper footix_ philibear etocelo vanfannel_94