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Les participants annuel all time 2023 du topic foot (top 100)

(données collectées le jeudi 4 janvier 2024 à 03:50:56)

rang 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
1 JMAulas Profil supprimé Profil supprimé Profil supprimé Profil supprimé BlinkGT Profil supprimé Profil supprimé Profil supprimé Profil supprimé Profil supprimé Profil supprimé mouzone Profil supprimé sat 08 Painkiller25 PetitJean Kiks
2 Bakk15 JMAulas Gwendoule Gwendoule BlinkGT sirius gott Eyldebrandt Floleb7 Floleb7 Floleb7 Mac_Lane Mac_Lane Profil supprimé mouzone FrerTok PetitJean Kiks maugani
3 Profil supprimé Bakk15 TenjO TengE htaeD Gwendoule Profil supprimé BlinkGT Eyldebrandt saLutat1ons Mac_Lane maugani Gallagh Mac_Lane sat 08 Painkiller25 sat 08 piccolo PetitJean
4 Zangalou mangaflip BlinkGT Pierre-Pat Pierre-Pat Philip Morris Floleb7 BlinkGT rombel Requiem Johnny_Marrocain mouzone Johnny_Marrocain Johnny_Marrocain maugani coria974 Painkiller25 mcrak
5 FpsFan BlinkGT yo_play Gedemon Quikce Gwendoule sirius gott rombel Mac_Lane MrMeth67 Floleb7 -rOmanO- Painkiller25 Painkiller25 piccolo vicenzo Adishatz vicenzo
6 TenjO TengE jack ryan Remigio BlinkGT Mister Yoda Pierre-Pat vincelens popinouse MrMeth67 saLutat1ons Gallagh MrMeth67 piccolo PetitJean mouzone piccolo Johnny_Marrocain coria974
7 Gedemon TenjO TengE Pierre-Pat TenjO TengE Remigio Remigio The Smoking Man Astroya Johnny_Marrocain Gallagh MrMeth67 Painkiller25 maugani piccolo AllenMadison Johnny_Marrocain buscape30 lef
8 PlayTime Zangalou Zangalou boubougna TenjO TengE boubougna Pierre-Pat boubougna popinouse Johnny_Marrocain mouzone maugani filiptif Requiem PetitJean maugani maugani piccolo
9 chtieric Gedemon M_Solo91 Quikce boubougna The Smoking Man boubougna DevilGin The Smoking Man wEEwEEx vicenzo vicenzo scream_dracula vicenzo Sticki AllenMadison _Pouvoir Adishatz
10 xxantoinexx simouu JMAulas yo_play amdvsintel Mister Yoda freddy021 Pierre-Pat Pierre-Pat freddy021 Philip Morris piccolo SOF40 alain haque-barre Johnny_Marrocain cyd125 icumblood Painkiller25
11 BlinkGT Gwendoule Gedemon BaF - FlOp Bakk15 Quikce popinouse Johnny_Marrocain boubougna efrafa BlinkGT aktarus69 Soupaire Mac_Lane Gallagh buscape30 Toxin freddy021
12 jack ryan Grounded Quikce M_Solo91 Le General Eyldebrandt fabiensensei Donkey' vicenzo vicenzo The Smoking Man data PetitJean GenyaB vicenzo _Pouvoir sat 08 Toxin
13 mangaflip Quikce Olivie Mister Yoda htaeD Le General waddle bidibulle fabiensensei The Smoking Man El Flasco Floleb7 Gabigol Adishatz etocelo Kiks Zangalou yardbirds
14 higlander Yoshikawa Grounded Yoshikawa yo_play htaeD manuman34 The Smoking Man Arkin popinouse Donkey' Philip Morris yardbirds FrerTok Requiem FrerTok the anakin Johnny_Marrocain
15 dubble_R xxantoinexx simouu Bakk15 plzhelp spirou59 vicenzo fabiensensei Donkey' Donkey' boubougna airy Philip Morris Mad Ratz chaleureux mcrak coria974 MeWa_13
16 Pere Dodu Remigio xxantoinexx amdvsintel M_Solo91 Jul Mcfly Philip Morris sirius gott efrafa maugani popinouse alain haque-barre Kiks maugani Soupaire airy 1000Trees VAN WINKLE
17 adrian_tepes FpsFan Mister Yoda jack ryan sirius gott yo_play Tekken79 Audrey211 Le General boubougna Hornett Johnny_Marrocain aktarus69 TrakT Adishatz the anakin vicenzo GenyaB
18 Delpe paradise974 vicenzo Remigio ezzz waddle DevilGin vincelens 0cool29 Philip Morris juan-natal la pagina PetitJean vicenzo albatar1976 TrakT Adishatz AllenMadison Lesluckys
19 Geekly Taliesim jack ryan super_pourri -rOmanO- vassilii bulldozer_fusion vicenzo sirius gott cyd125 casey tatum SOF40 Mad Ratz Philip Morris Kiks Gallagh Gallagh the anakin
20 butthead05 butthead05 PlayTime -rOmanO- SOF40 0cool29 Donkey' fatgooz freddy021 fabiensensei piccolo Leamas Requiem Floleb7 Orodreths Sticki waddle ketwi
21 Taliesim PlayTime mangaflip tendulkar Gedemon el nino71 Quikce freddy021 Requiem Le General alain haque-barre Trifon_Ivanov buscape30 Kiks _Pouvoir cheesecake GenyaB Zangalou
22 Ex-Floodeur Geekly paradise974 vicenzo simouu Arkin bidibulle manuman34 DevilGin psykhi yoak Gabigol albatar1976 MrMeth67 Floleb7 GenyaB Pierre-Pat Gallagh
23 nurimc21 quintu BaF - FlOp Zangalou bastinho SOF40 rombel cyd125 Gallagh juan-natal la pagina Pierre-Pat Donkey' Pierre-Pat SOF40 buscape30 Floleb7 ketwi AllenMadison
24 paradise974 dubble_R bpoujol spirou59 piccolo fabiensensei Arkin yardbirds El Kiwi manuman34 freddy021 Requiem Gallagh Gallagh SOF40 1000Trees Twano Mac_Lane
25 le hibou plzhelp boudje ozidivision g4w3ll ashrog ashrog 0cool29 bidibulle rombel -rOmanO- Orodreths boubougna Soupaire the anakin Pierre-Pat MeWa_13 AuldPuck
26 sebdeBM Kirvel serialfroggie MMM23 korrigan73 Bakk15 idcare vassilii kappa Pierre-Pat fabiensensei filiptif -rOmanO- etocelo Toxin Brazeinstein Brazeinstein _Pouvoir
27 kung adrian_tepes korrigan73 Fender shinarz funkycoincoin Johnny_Marrocain picfig BlinkGT mcrak vassilii BlinkGT juan-natal la pagina Bébé Yoda albatar1976 Soupaire Mac_Lane TrakT
28 baxxter69 lumi 4lkaline Ex-Floodeur Philip Morris plzhelp Mister Yoda Tekken79 vincelens BlinkGT rombel juan-natal la pagina Floleb7 poutrello Profil supprimé etocelo etocelo pipodeluxe
29 Benzo29 Ex-Floodeur Kirvel boisse Grounded Audrey211 Zangalou Arkin SOF40 DevilGin wEEwEEx Pierre-Pat bulldozer_fusion _Pouvoir francis1256 TrakT airy chris_lo
30 lumi angellus2 Bakk15 g4w3ll Seizh Seizh htaeD VAN WINKLE Julian33 kappa Arkin Bobinou90 Olivie airy 1000Trees cashless vassilii vassilii
31 plzhelp rau man gooopil bastinho butthead05 mcrak 0cool29 SOF40 psykhi mouzone mcrak Kiks MrMeth67 cyd125 Mac_Lane mouzone mcrak icumblood
32 dje33 Pere Dodu Taliesim SOF40 foupou bastinho yardbirds Remigio Audrey211 piccolo SOF40 freddy021 Donkey' Pierre-Pat cyd125 Profil supprimé chris_lo Twano
33 Xamoth Baathor butthead05 korrigan73 Zangalou Tekken79 jeprendsmonpied mcrak El Flasco Seizh manuman34 Hornett airy AllenMadison fufu67 Mac_Lane chaleureux Kirk_Lee_Hammett
34 htaeD les cigales du 93 BoR simouu glod 2 Johnny_Marrocain Gwendoule Skaine JMAulas kikou2419 airy starsida Dylmatic Olivie MrMeth67 Dylmatic yardbirds panshi
35 HISH Benzo29 dubble_R Taliesim flounche Zangalou Blaq albatar1976 symaski62 Arkin Requiem buscape30 GenyaB yardbirds airy Toxin usma16 airy
36 Baathor Parinou angellus2 ezzz PlayTime TenjO TengE Audrey211 Quikce Eyldebrandt Raskoln c2800 bulldozer_fusion poutrello Dylmatic Livingdead75 Requiem boubougna fracture du tibia
37 simouu chtieric Pere Dodu karoliko Ethnik popinouse mcrak ak91 manuman34 sirius gott Seizh Azrail Adishatz ketwi cheesecake ketwi pipodeluxe cheesecake
38 quintu Zimeah alb morb Yoshikawa flounche Pere Dodu el nino71 vassilii 0cool29 Bobinou90 Kirk_Lee_Hammett Hazumaki sirius gott GenyaB Kirk_Lee_Hammett freddy021 buscape30
39 nyhctom htaeD bastinho plzhelp funkycoincoin Toxin chris1092 Julian33 albatar1976 airy Kirk_Lee_Hammett scream_dracula Kirk_Lee_Hammett bulldozer_fusion Pierre-Pat vassilii panshi Soupaire
40 Djadja palos_de_la_frontera take it or leave it paradise974 no_gods srfcboy Remigio Le General Zangalou AshRiot Olivie vassilii etocelo vassilii Philip Morris yardbirds FrerTok Brazeinstein
41 danyboy27 Kephset chtieric JMAulas karoliko korrigan73 Kornichon56 scream_dracula ak91 c2800 kappa Soupaire alain haque-barre Livingdead75 -rOmanO- panshi hawkersoul Taliesim
42 angellus2 cyd125 KimSoderstrom mangaflip srfcboy 4lkaline Jul Mcfly Klm el nino71 El Kiwi el nino71 Twano Gunman24 Leamas coria974 VAN WINKLE cheesecake Ekid
43 vapeur_cochonne latiteminette Ex-Floodeur faconnable morb Donkey' picfig LorDjidane wEEwEEx Ernestor Twano Zangalou ketwi cheesecake panshi Livingdead75 TrakT Livingdead75
44 La Monne xanack Yoshikawa butthead05 Arkin -Poison- LorDjidane aureus- piccolo Soupaire JMAulas Olivie dona nobis pacem Juliano66 filiptif Twano Dylmatic hawkersoul
45 Yoshikawa nurimc21 ozidivision flounche fabiensensei DevilGin morb Belloc Klm yoak 0cool29 boubougna Toxin juan-natal la pagina yardbirds albatar1976 Livingdead75 mxpx
46 toum_toum cyber1989 mistersid angellus2 Taliesim mangaflip Skaine piccolo cyd125 el nino71 Painkiller25 sirius gott vassilii scream_dracula hungryman hawkersoul VAN WINKLE Juliano66
47 darkfrost _Makaveli_ boisse Grounded Baathor Pere Dodu srfcboy jeprendsmonpied fatgooz bidibulle radio comptoir poutrello fabiensensei Twano manuches Juliano66 Ekid Pierre-Pat
48 Mister XX husbeck loulou le marlou BoR Fender Blaq _Pouvoir Pere Dodu Belloc casey tatum efrafa Mad Ratz data mcrak protect_me MeWa_13 napoleon48 AshRiot
49 van basten33 dje33 Baathor Le General ashrog Gedemon vassilii saxou mcrak Belloc aureus- BarbaLurke Bébé Yoda Sticki VAN WINKLE bulldozer_fusion AuldPuck srfcboy
50 doudoudetahiti Pierre-Pat MMM23 funkycoincoin mangaflip Baathor sebcile PortoG TenjO TengE albatar1976 fracture du tibia Arkin Dora Doralina Kirk_Lee_Hammett Twano freddy021 Floleb7 waddle
51 la question boudje MBD44 sat 08 Pere Dodu ezzz fatgooz MrMeth67 Soupaire TenjO TengE xxantoinexx Grumms Leamas francis1256 bulldozer_fusion srfcboy gars_lent bulldozer_fusion
52 mcrak heyjack srfcboy Pere Dodu faconnable faconnable Belloc Mister Yoda c2800 Zangalou data cheesecake Azrail filiptif Arkin Olivie Kirk_Lee_Hammett Philip Morris
53 alexreunion angiolino uxam mistersid UltraVox UltraVox TenjO TengE Zangalou CM-S fracture du tibia sirius gott ketwi radio comptoir -rOmanO- Indeed AshRiot srfcboy Floleb7
54 ZeBib bpoujol g4w3ll Ethnik el nino71 Jim PROFIT DannyOcean srfcboy BoR symaski62 PetitJean Leskipper fracture du tibia jeanguylecointre Kirk_Lee_Hammett Derek De Lint Taliesim JMAulas
55 pate a pouf r1-bo maximilyan Mister Mystere Toxin BoR SOF40 waddle yardbirds srfcboy Trifon_Ivanov Francis_Llacer Zangalou panshi Dylmatic manuches Proust4 bahamut49
56 GraalX -Poison- adrian_tepes Olivie Grobert BaF - FlOp Astroya MBD44 waddle Klm scream_dracula Dylmatic Grumms Seizh mxpx Indeed Soupaire Monsieur Locke
57 keall vicenzo Jrl85 husbeck mosk _Pouvoir yo_play Bakk15 Goldmankind vassilii Grumms wEEwEEx sirius gott Gunman24 vassilii Philip Morris lodbrok Proust4
58 Juni0r keall MrGameCube KimSoderstrom critikal rombel Bakk15 DannyOcean M_Solo91 yardbirds bulldozer_fusion The Smoking Man Seizh ben80 AshRiot super_pourri Requiem gars_lent
59 gribouille93 Bad Bond elessar53 uxam Jul Mcfly shinarz tapiefan Lynk Sky 36 Julian33 symaski62 radio comptoir mcrak lodbrok Proust4 Proust4 Indeed Irradiami d'Amore
60 karlos13 bastinho client du commensal MBD44 Elmoricq foupou fiou2 Requiem Dadadidou M_Solo91 Hazumaki Toxin panshi Toxin ketwi ben80 Philip Morris fabiensensei
61 neg'gwada van basten33 saxou boudje uxam fracture du tibia Gedemon Gedemon xxantoinexx Painkiller25 starsida srfcboy Hornett fabiensensei kappa Aktatok mouzone etocelo
62 rau man Tristou boubougna take it or leave it take it or leave it edouard saucisse Dilat Larath mouzone Pere Dodu ak91 LiamManziel matnissa TenjO TengE srfcboy sirius gott Slops matnissa Arkin
63 curbx alexreunion Firefinger pisus ozidivision zguvus Klm Kirvel srfcboy bulldozer_fusion saLutat1ons yardbirds Juliano66 gniais Juliano66 Ekid data Indeed
64 boisse boisse lumi lergo Blaq saxou Lynk xxantoinexx FRANCKBLB Yoshikawa Belloc LiamManziel yoak RadjoN srfcboy -Jany- Irradiami d'Amore spirou59
65 Ben_34 saucerful cyd125 srfcboy Maxquatre Belloc matnissa matnissa kikou2419 El Flasco srfcboy Seizh Ash1 wEEwEEx MeWa_13 chris_lo lapinbilly joams
66 8rno 4lkaline Fender Grobert Mister Mystere matnissa bouh94 Sebastien Seizh Twano protect_me c2800 sat 08 protect_me Zangalou pipodeluxe Olivie -SkoM-
67 7063 serialfroggie husbeck UltraVox zguvus Grounded Baathor Yoshikawa Mister Yoda scream_dracula ak91 Adishatz jeanguylecointre Indeed yourtlh filiptif Monsieur Locke Leamas
68 Splinter's DeadPixel zebdazidane bigmatt753 Philip Morris MMM23 roller and scratcher zguvus kraken28 KingJames6323 Goldmankind aktarus69 symaski62 Bobinou90 Derek De Lint cashless kappa AshRiot girondeconnexion
69 M_Solo91 tranceorbitale Parinou PlayTime Tietie006 Painkiller25 BoR piermo 4lkaline saxou Mister Yoda J@ngo F3tt mangaflip data mangaflip Hazumaki protect_me meta67
70 grosfelix vapeur_cochonne Jol Jol Baathor saxou picfig morv 4lkaline Philip Morris JMAulas yardbirds fracture du tibia cyd125 freddy021 igo2001 Leamas jossyd -rOmanO-
71 Kephset kung Geekly Seizh 4lkaline john8585 Dadadidou Jesse James Tekken79 Audrey211 Zangalou shenron67 Livingdead75 Grumms Gouki13 Arkin dje33 azymantiop
72 LoLiLoL ganellon tendulkar berber64 Johnny_Marrocain Mister Mystere Le General idcare Gogole Masque -rOmanO- Leamas roof82 matnissa popinouse -Jany- data Baihel lapinbilly
73 Bad Bond olivierau plzhelp Multi-Pseudo pliskin2 kraken28 Van Langenhove Goldmankind Painkiller25 CM-S KingJames6323 BoR lodbrok skum Tolor Zangalou bulldozer_fusion cashless
74 Jack London starconsole Kivi_ 4lkaline Jim PROFIT Ethnik Extravagent Fail simon123 Gedemon SOF40 FRANCKBLB fabiensensei gniais igo2001 Olivie mxpx super_pourri Emzy
75 take it or leave it korrigan73 Till Lindemann betsamee picfig idcare flounche Van Langenhove Lynk Grumms cheesecake mgthebiglebowski shenron67 1000Trees hawkersoul usma16 It_Connexion -Jany-
76 Reddie MBD44 Grobert Gordon Shumway Oceanborn -rOmanO- TheKiko Dadadidou jeprendsmonpied doosen Keepitreal albatar1976 wEEwEEx Hornett lodbrok -rOmanO- azymantiop ogsvart_
77 picfig SOF40 dje33 Bad Bond john8585 fatgooz cyd125 babakar J@ngo F3tt rivesud Soupaire mcrak Trifon_Ivanov yourtlh ben80 lodbrok igo2001 yourtlh
78 olivierau take it or leave it pat4tor gooopil mixxomatos Yoshikawa aureus- BoR matnissa Baathor cyd125 lodbrok Julian33 la page 6 du topic bastinho waddle jeprendsmonpied Baihel
79 pixedelisme vanfannel_94 o'rome Obtus76 boudje Sloany OpOpOp14 -rOmanO- aureus- Bretzel Authentique Derek De Lint Pere Dodu freddy021 mangaflip skum fabiensensei meta67 SOF40
80 ChtiGariX PsyOpus VinZ13 xxantoinexx Poupou49 kololo777 Toxin Gwendoule saxou andreicooper Klm Belloc BarbaLurke matnissa freddy021 fufu67 mxpx 1000Trees
81 ca m'gaaave Wayne Lee funkycoincoin Jol Jol angelorei amdvsintel 4lkaline Kornichon56 Remigio Eyldebrandt Pere Dodu Dora Doralina Twano buscape30 Lesluckys mejoralo -Jany- Pere Dodu
82 saucerful 667 vega750 vassilii pisus g4w3ll simon123 ooOO00OOoo juan-natal la pagina Hazumaki Kiks genghis77 AshRiot genghis77 scream_dracula Irradiami d'Amore kappa multimmy
83 brittanywow toum_toum van basten33 Kirvel Sloany vicenzo FDC1 TenjO TengE bulldozer_fusion waddle Audrey211 ak91 _Pouvoir Zangalou Derek De Lint Hector Stringer Lesluckys Belloc
84 chris1092 Mister Yoda misster-vip13 Klm mixoumix PlayTime faconnable fiou3 Ernestor Tekken79 ploP10 MKaze skum yoak mejoralo Orodreths spirou59 Memnoch1
85 NeoDc Firefinger htaeD Jrl85 aizen26 boisse el nino71 ashrog Twano Lynk J@ngo F3tt Zyzz Belloc waddle bonnefranquette protect_me Arkin mouzone
86 Remigio berber64 r1-bo jesaipacki lemmings morb Twano korrigan73 uxam racingman11 Baathor Julian33 starsida hungryman Grumms ver de vase wEEwEEx flounche
87 dark matter chtivain SOF40 VinZ13 pat4tor Woody-Wood halley-bruley uxam Bakk15 cheesecake Bretzel Authentique kappa symaski62 kappa Slops yourtlh cyd125 Derek De Lint
88 barnabe elessar53 FpsFan Till Lindemann nyhctom Desolate skum skum yoak htaeD footeure M_Solo91 xxantoinexx mxpx mcrak wEEwEEx Hazumaki Dylmatic
89 Con Smith Macagna saucerful ashrog pierrehugues J_D_ Julian33 bulldozer_fusion Astroya Gedemon Remigio AshRiot srfcboy MeWa_13 popinouse yoak jamere Sticki
90 berber64 gegere Ethnik saxou Gordon Shumway Gunbuster Invite_Surprise ichigo56 ooOO00OOoo jeprendsmonpied Yoshikawa KingJames6323 Pere Dodu marc4000 Hector Stringer Grumms KingJames6323 Cliff Barnes
91 Tristou rami- benny chacon Xi_Thor BaF - FlOp Elmoricq zemia sneijder MBD44 xxantoinexx mangaflip Livingdead75 FDC1 Arkin Mad Ratz icumblood endorion de la nuit jamere20
92 fred-eric2 g4w3ll Zimeah Tietie006 polionamen rockbottom viewtifulgro Gogole Masque Bretzel Authentique Dylmatic psykhi _Pouvoir Fiotte du Tertiaire super_pourri Spaune meta67 yourtlh sat 08
93 manuel93330 betsamee Cisko dubble_R paretoptimal doc_brown kraken28 fructis Skaine aureus- MKaze Derek De Lint Leskipper -Jany- poutrello Xamoth gniais super_pourri
94 Arthas77 srfcboy lapinbilly mosk santiago10 Lucy' scream_dracula Wilfried28_2 mouzone krezke Zyzz popinouse protect_me Belloc gniais Francis_Llacer fabiensensei ver de vase
95 nintendose ucn95 flounche yann924 0cool29 blum95 scrable zguvus rockbottom Van Langenhove BoR yoak Indeed smoove Belloc azymantiop SOF40 gniais
96 PentiumIV uxam ganellon chtieric racingman11 Knys korrigan73 Knys ilyama999 Toxin Raskoln Klm Sticki Dora Doralina Hazumaki genghis77 manuches protect_me
97 Till Lindemann dark matter Xi_Thor grecebi Obtus76 no_gods uxam fracture du tibia scrable rockbottom Ernestor xxantoinexx Orodreths TenjO TengE fabiensensei Cliff Barnes Belloc lodbrok
98 Firefinger Lex Philip Morris etheriel Till Lindemann Monsieur Kennedy fandalpinee Hazumaki fracture du tibia BoR rockbottom smoove Derek De Lint Spaune iPoule lapinbilly Orodreths Hornett
99 zebdazidane feer Bad Bond audioslave227 FLK bidibulle rockbottom rockbottom Yoshikawa FRANCKBLB poutrello Yoshikawa RadjoN fufu67 wEEwEEx spirou59 Leamas ben80
100 lecknaat karlos13 kenaydy Kephset mcrak paradise974 MBD44 c2800 Baathor J@ngo F3tt TenjO TengE etocelo LiamManziel 50kmh jossyd Belloc Slaythevampi data