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Les smileys persos annuel all time 2022 du bistrot photonum (top 50)

(données collectées le vendredi 6 janvier 2023 à 16:45:21)

rang 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 [:razorbak83] [:spamafote] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:ruxx] [:ruxx] [:ruxx] [:el frog] [:el_risitos] [:gary2022:9] [:gargamail:3] [:gargamail:3] [:gargamail:3]
2 [:spamafote] [:huit] [:anathema] [:stellayr] [:ddr555] [:ddr555] [:ddr555] [:ddr555] [:ddr555] [:ruxx] [:ruxx] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:el frog] [:ruxx] [:gary2022:9] [:ruxx] [:sanozuke] [:ruxx] [:sanozuke]
3 [:ddr555] [:anathema] [:huit] [:tinostar] [:aloy] [:gnub] [:aloy] [:hurle] [:ruxx] [:ddr555] [:ddr555] [:ddr555] [:rotflmao] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:ruxx] [:gargamail:3] [:gary2022:9] [:sanozuke] [:rofl]
4 [:albator7k] [:rofl] [:thekeke] [:anathema] [:anathema] [:aloy] [:hurle] [:ruxx] [:tinostar] [:rotflmao] [:rotflmao] [:rotflmao] [:ddr555] [:sanozuke] [:jean-michel platini:5] [:sanozuke] [:sanozuke] [:jean-michel platini:5] [:jean-michel platini:5] [:ruxx]
5 [:ministry] [:ddr555] [:spamafote] [:ddr555] [:tinostar] [:anathema] [:gnub] [:aloy] [:gnub] [:wark0] [:wark0] [:maestro] [:implosion du tibia] [:gargamail:3] [:gargamail:3] [:gargamail:3] [:jean-michel platini:5] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:gary2022:9]
6 [:rofl] [:w3c compliant] [:aloy] [:aloy] [:volta] [:tinostar] [:dawa] [:gnub] [:wark0] [:implosion du tibia] [:maestro] [:albounet] [:lavie_lavraie] [:ddr555] [:sanozuke] [:rofl] [:rofl] [:ruxx] [:gary2022:9] [:wark0]
7 [:sygus] [:zebra33] [:tinostar] [:maverick10] [:gnub] [:volta] [:cygne_d_etang] [:tinostar] [:hurle] [:ddr5s5] [:implosion du tibia] [:wark0] [:albounet] [:implosion du tibia] [:ddr555] [:jean-michel platini:5] [:el_risitos] [:el_risitos] [:ddr555] [:theartemis:2]
8 [:wam] [:razorbak83] [:chris barnes] [:huit] [:azylum] [:azylum] [:haha] [:azylum] [:implosion du tibia] [:lavie_lavraie] [:sanozuke] [:implosion du tibia] [:sanozuke] [:rotflmao] [:aloy] [:michel bouge bouge] [:michel bouge bouge] [:fegafomatos:6] [:el_risitos] [:ddr555]
9 [:huit] [:aloy] [:totoz] [:xx_xx] [:maverick10] [:ddr5s5] [:azylum] [:julm3] [:spamafote] [:tinostar] [:toussa] [:tinostar] [:maestro] [:jean-michel platini:5] [:michel bouge bouge] [:zedlefou:1] [:ddr555] [:ddr555] [:tinostar] [:jean-michel platini:5]
10 [:maestro] [:volta] [:zebra33] [:totoz] [:haha] [:haha] [:tinostar] [:implosion du tibia] [:aloy] [:hellypse] [:lavie_lavraie] [:toussa] [:wark0] [:tinostar] [:tinostar] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:wark0] [:mme michu:7] [:toudda] [:cosmoschtroumpf]
11 [:meganne] [:al_bundy] [:maverick10] [:cupra] [:fanou] [:hurle] [:anathema] [:volta] [:maestro] [:maestro] [:tinostar] [:sanozuke] [:gargamail:3] [:michel bouge bouge] [:implosion du tibia] [:ddr555] [:de la marronniere:1] [:theartemis:2] [:aloy] [:hellypse]
12 [:groody] [:arn0] [:cupra] [:toto le hros] [:maestro] [:paysan] [:moggbomber] [:maestro] [:sanozuke] [:toussa] [:ddr5s5] [:lavie_lavraie] [:tinostar] [:albounet] [:zedlefou:1] [:anakronik:10] [:toudda] [:michel bouge bouge] [:prozac] [:hurle]
13 [:jeanjean85] [:cupra] [:xx_xx] [:zebra33] [:ddr5s5] [:cygne_d_etang] [:volta] [:prozac] [:hellypse] [:flu1] [:spamafote] [:aloy] [:paco fpg:1] [:maestro] [:albounet] [:aloy] [:aloy] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:gnub] [:zedlefou:1]
14 [:volta] [:tilleul] [:ddr555] [:azylum] [:toto le hros] [:fanou] [:flu1] [:wark0] [:julm3] [:sanozuke] [:fabien27] [:spamafote] [:el frog] [:aloy] [:opendtc] [:maestro] [:tinostar] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:androids974] [:aloy]
15 [:ogmios] [:totoz] [:stellayr] [:ocube] [:rhetorie du chaos] [:maestro] [:julm3] [:spamafote] [:toussa] [:spamafote] [:dracula] [:androids974] [:michel bouge bouge] [:wark0] [:jose mourinho:3] [:tinostar] [:albounet] [:implosion du tibia] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:gnub]
16 [:skyzor] [:sygus] [:airforceone] [:gnub] [:huit] [:huit] [:-the_unforgiven-:2] [:flu1] [:huit] [:hurle] [:flu1] [:gargamail:3] [:toussa] [:opendtc] [:prodigy] [:toudda] [:azylum] [:prozac] [:zedlefou:1] [:toudda]
17 [:claire_redfield] [:ministry] [:w3c compliant] [:augie] [:paysan] [:flu1] [:wank] [:huit] [:azylum] [:dracula] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:littlebill] [:littlebill] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:wark0] [:presidentdonald:5] [:implosion du tibia] [:toudda] [:cygne_d_etang] [:poogz:5]
18 [:tozwarrior] [:albator7k] [:amandine75011] [:spamafote] [:spamafote] [:prodigy] [:wark0] [:haha] [:prodigy] [:gnub] [:albounet] [:michel bouge bouge] [:am72:5] [:lavie_lavraie] [:maestro] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:spamafoote] [:zedlefou:1] [:implosion du tibia] [:el_risitos]
19 [:benou_non] [:xx_xx] [:alvas] [:grisemine4] [:sarko] [:maverick10] [:haha matin] [:prodigy] [:prozac] [:aloy] [:bledi51] [:flu1] [:zedlefou:1] [:garypresident:2] [:toudda] [:azylum] [:androids974] [:azylum] [:theartemis:2] [:la chancla:5]
20 [:mickeynox] [:clarinette] [:arn0] [:volta] [:totoz] [:spamafote] [:haha cosmoschtroumpf] [:albounet] [:flu1] [:albounet] [:gnub] [:gnub] [:aloy] [:zedlefou:1] [:yann39] [:de la marronniere:1] [:gnub] [:aloy] [:wark0] [:steeve_mac_queen]
21 [:yaisse2] [:mlc] [:azylum] [:airforceone] [:prodigy] [:shay] [:implosion du tibia] [:lex] [:albounet] [:julm3] [:androids974] [:ddr5s5] [:hurle] [:gnub] [:el_risitos] [:implosion du tibia] [:lex] [:tinostar] [:opendtc] [:tinostar]
22 [:the real ezzz] [:wam] [:gnub] [:pussoforce] [:unicode] [:rhetorie du chaos] [:maestro] [:anathema] [:bledi51] [:azylum] [:aloy] [:hahaguy] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:paparasta] [:azylum] [:spamafote] [:pierloup:7] [:lex] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:haha matin]
23 [:claque2000] [:gnub] [:volta] [:alph-one] [:augie] [:alph-one] [:spamafote] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:rotflmao] [:androids974] [:hurle] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:klemton] [:huit] [:gnub] [:albounet] [:zedlefou:1] [:spamafoote] [:lex] [:implosion du tibia]
24 [:w3c compliant] [:maestro] [:itm] [:chris barnes] [:cupra] [:spamafoote] [:prozac] [:toussa] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:klemton] [:timoonn:5] [:hellypse] [:flu1] [:androids974] [:flu1] [:pierloup:7] [:dona nobis pacem:10] [:anathema] [:hurle] [:lex]
25 [:xp1700] [:airforceone] [:tilleul] [:mlc] [:spamafoote] [:totoz] [:toussa] [:haha cosmoschtroumpf] [:klemton] [:huit] [:hellypse] [:hurle] [:toudda] [:jose mourinho:3] [:spamafote] [:spamafoote] [:manulelutin:5] [:de la marronniere:1] [:mme michu:4] [:spamafoote]
26 [:dodo] [:groody] [:ocube] [:haha] [:itm] [:albounet] [:huit] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:volta] [:cbrs] [:hahaguy] [:dracula] [:mme michu:4] [:flu1] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:androids974] [:spamafote] [:wark0] [:poogz:5] [:azylum]
27 [:chacal_one333] [:rotflmao] [:ministry] [:thekeke] [:cygne_d_etang] [:bentley] [:prodigy] [:itm] [:cver1:1] [:fabien27] [:julm3] [:azylum] [:sad frog:5] [:toussa] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:gnub] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:o_noel] [:albounet] [:prozac]
28 [:mlc] [:afcmetos] [:bicoun] [:itm] [:zebra33] [:kzimir] [:paysan] [:cygne_d_etang] [:lex] [:prozac] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:machina of god:2] [:sadfrog62:1] [:prodigy] [:androids974] [:prodigy] [:anakronik:10] [:gnub] [:maestro] [:transparency]
29 [:cupra] [:andromaque] [:frag_facile] [:paysan] [:bentley] [:toto le hros] [:kna] [:dawa] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:haha] [:cbrs] [:dafiiiiid] [:calimefrog:2] [:toudda] [:huit] [:yann39] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:machina of god:2] [:azylum] [:doosen]
30 [:hotshot] [:cyberpat92] [:augie] [:fanou] [:janfynette] [:eddy_] [:ddr5s5] [:gargamail:3] [:toudda] [:dafiiiiid] [:gargamail:3] [:opendtc] [:hahaguy] [:lex] [:mme michu:4] [:opendtc] [:mme michu:4] [:mme michu:4] [:spamafoote] [:julm3]
31 [:toad666] [:tinostar] [:alph-one] [:amandine75011] [:xx_xx] [:alizean] [:lex] [:littlebill] [:haha] [:cosmoschtroumpf] [:yann39] [:zedlefou:1] [:gnub] [:spamafoote] [:klemton] [:jose mourinho:3] [:maestro] [:poogz:5] [:yann39] [:cygne_d_etang]
32 [:totoz] [:grisemine4] [:dodo] [:bricokilt] [:shay] [:unicode] [:poogz:1] [:ddr5s5] [:poogz:1] [:bledi51] [:transparency] [:exceptionnalnain:1] [:garypresident:2] [:azylum] [:eeeinstein:2] [:augie] [:cygne_d_etang] [:cygne_d_etang] [:sat 08:3] [:shimay:1]
33 [:toxin] [:jeanjean85] [:mlc] [:alandon] [:bricokilt] [:elcap] [:maverick10] [:kna] [:androids974] [:prodigy] [:toudda] [:opendtc:3] [:azylum] [:mme michu:4] [:augie] [:lex] [:anathema] [:epok] [:transparency] [:spamafote]
34 [:youpi] [:ogmios] [:pamplemousse] [:freekill] [:o_doc] [:simchevelu] [:fanou] [:afrojojo] [:delarue6] [:cver1:1] [:klemton] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:jean-michel platini:5] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:sat 08:3] [:manulelutin:5] [:opendtc] [:androids974] [:machina of god:2] [:yann39]
35 [:tilleul] [:mouais] [:razorbak83] [:maestro] [:alph-one] [:cerveau lent] [:spamafoote] [:poogz:1] [:cbrs] [:randolf:4] [:huit] [:fabien27] [:huit] [:clooney8] [:hahaguy] [:mme michu:4] [:hurle] [:hurle] [:chrisleurn] [:mme michu:4]
36 [:draschke] [:meganne] [:maestro] [:sisicaivrai] [:chickchica] [:zebra33] [:albounet] [:hahaguy] [:ddr5s5] [:lex] [:absolutelykaveh] [:toudda] [:machina of god:2] [:klemton] [:anathema] [:anakronik:9] [:futur-montaigne:10] [:gingerspirit:3] [:anathema] [:casper87]
37 [:miracle] [:benou_non] [:toshop] [:alvas] [:alandon] [:o_doc] [:thana54:2] [:hellypse] [:afrojojo] [:toudda] [:lex] [:julm3] [:lex] [:spamafote] [:lex] [:palpapille] [:machina of god:2] [:anefay:1] [:casper87] [:cygne_d_etang:1]
38 [:rotflmao] [:evil] [:toto le hros] [:krysalia] [:hahaguy] [:prozac] [:rhetorie du chaos] [:paysan] [:gargamail:3] [:openumt:4] [:petoulachi] [:lex] [:julm3] [:hurle] [:hurle] [:klemton] [:prodigy] [:casper87] [:de la marronniere:1] [:pierre_j_paillasson:5]
39 [:tkilla] [:xp1700] [:yaisse2] [:tilleul] [:albator7k] [:hahaguy] [:molette] [:stefaninho:1] [:fabien27] [:transparency] [:prodigy] [:cbrs] [:spamafote] [:sad frog:5] [:cygne_d_etang] [:lakeketteamitterrand] [:chrisleurn] [:ddr5s5] [:fitterashes] [:so-saugrenu3:2]
40 [:aozora] [:yaisse2] [:dawa] [:pamplemousse] [:alizean] [:itm] [:cerveau lent] [:rhetorie du chaos] [:anathema] [:yann39] [:le_6tron:2] [:huit] [:hellomard] [:yann39] [:gary2022:9] [:taigaivai:7] [:yann39] [:klemton] [:julm3] [:totoz]
41 [:yopyopyop] [:kamool] [:sygus] [:spamafoote] [:ab1311] [:delantera] [:glaurung] [:toudda] [:itm] [:haha cosmoschtroumpf] [:vizera] [:timoonn:5] [:yann39] [:cygne_d_etang] [:poogz:5] [:anakronik:8] [:flu1] [:maestro] [:prodigy] [:vave1]
42 [:athlonmp] [:tozwarrior] [:diskobeck] [:fitterashes] [:alexrow] [:rotflmao] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:kzimir] [:glass] [:steeve_mac_queen] [:exceptionnalnain:1] [:transparency] [:cygne_d_etang] [:machina of god:2] [:lafroussedanstonfrog:4] [:wark0] [:o_noel] [:prodigy] [:spamafote] [:huit]
43 [:violito] [:azylum] [:cyberpat92] [:prodigy] [:kzimir] [:swing] [:bastian] [:ariakan:1] [:haha cosmoschtroumpf] [:absolutelykaveh] [:anefay:1] [:vizera] [:hellypse] [:fabien27] [:alain doux-lilas] [:hurle] [:shimay] [:albounet] [:augie] [:prodigy]
44 [:galatee] [:alph-one] [:shay] [:skiman] [:eraser19] [:xx_xx] [:haha prozac] [:clooney3] [:cygne_d_etang] [:hahaguy] [:cd5] [:klemton] [:transparency] [:do not want] [:julm3] [:clooney16] [:jean-michel sardou:2] [:hellypse] [:cygne_d_etang:2] [:anathema]
45 [:lucille] [:sisicaivrai] [:x-httpd-php] [:bledi51] [:stellayr] [:peronnelle] [:peronnelle] [:spamafoote] [:cabri74] [:mike hoksbiger:3] [:clooney21] [:cygne_d_etang] [:souk] [:simchevelu] [:spamafoote] [:clooney12] [:jose mourinho:3] [:huit] [:vave1] [:ddr5s5]
46 [:thekeke] [:chocolat blanc] [:wam] [:ddr5s5] [:penner] [:bastian] [:totoz] [:timoonn:1] [:wlitw] [:gargamail:3] [:azylum] [:sad frog:5] [:nicobule:1] [:anathema] [:la chancla:1] [:cygne_d_etang] [:julm3] [:julm3] [:michel bouge bouge] [:epok]
47 [:wawash] [:dodo] [:olimou] [:rhetorie du chaos] [:z800] [:thalis] [:debarquement] [:gaga hurle] [:rhetorie du chaos] [:delarue5] [:haha cosmoschtroumpf] [:haha cosmoschtroumpf] [:opendtc] [:lycos5] [:mcsouss:1] [:flu1] [:lalrobin] [:mme michu:6] [:cygne_d_etang:1] [:koubak]
48 [:z-bob] [:bastian] [:benou] [:toshop] [:ocolor] [:bricokilt] [:itm] [:cbrs] [:cetrio:1] [:volta] [:kewyn:2] [:stoicism] [:androids974] [:poogz:5] [:barracus] [:hahaguy] [:prozac] [:mauvlam] [:hahaguy] [:nasyounz]
49 [:arn0] [:bob la jungle] [:mouais] [:dawa] [:delarue5] [:cupra] [:ouicertes] [:poogz:3] [:everything4free] [:kolombin] [:dafiiiiid] [:anathema] [:volta] [:transparency] [:garypresident:2] [:huit] [:wally lalligator:2] [:sat 08:3] [:michel_cymerde:7] [:persons pr0ject:1]
50 [:grisemine1] [:maverick10] [:warpcoil] [:diskobeck] [:rotflmao] [:sir_knumskull] [:leglop] [:poogz:4] [:hahaguy] [:littlebill] [:prozac] [:opendtc:1] [:remiche35] [:julm3] [:cygne_d_etang:1] [:machina of god:2] [:dona nobis pacem:9] [:transparency] [:oeuf corse] [:psychokwak]